Friday, January 28, 2011

Relief at the pumps: Revolutionary hydrogen fuel could cost just 90p per GALLON (and it will run in existing cars)

Top secret English program : artificial, hydrogen based gas fuel invented.

Umely benzin na bazi vodiku vytvoren.

Itl run in current cars. Could be available in 3-5 years.

Relief at the pumps: Revolutionary hydrogen fuel could cost just 90p per GALLON (and it will run in existing cars) | Mail Online

911Truth controlled demolition inside operation. now what. a world revolution? a world war? Second American Revolution? or all of the above.

911Truth controlled demolition inside operation. now what. a world revolution? a world war? Second American Revolution? or all of the above.

Jon Gold
‎9/11 Justice activist and researcher Jon Gold has announced his intention to chain himself to the White House fence this coming Monday, January 31. 9/11 Truth News asked Gold a few questions to find out more about the upcoming action.

  • Sandy Baldock
    I'm a bit concerned about this. I'm behind this message 10000%, but this type of behavior gives us all that "crazy" bad name. I'm not sure if this is a good idea....
    If there is any MSM coverage, it will be "nut job 9/11 truther does nut job thing" blah blah blah - talking head laughing after the video bite..
    I understand his frustration, just don't necessirarily agree with his methods.
    I do wish him the best of luck.
    5 hours ago ·
  • Petr Buben a brave gentleman, an American Hero. what exactly is Jon, one of 911Truth main activists, calling for? an independent investigation perhaps? .... if i remember well, Jon has some reservations to the fact that 911 is, and has been proven so, to be a controlled demolition ..... ...
    20 minutes ago ·
  • Petr Buben ‎@Sandy .. know what you saying, but in the end i see it as very positive, if Jon will get this in the news ... see people are not that stupid as official propaganda thinks ... this will be a benefit to the cause of 911Truth ..... we read here that Honorable Mr Lance wanted to do similar pow wow happening at the white house ..... see to tell the ruling elite - look, you are criminal, or involved in a criminal cover up, that is not so easy or a light matter .. not for the whole world

Egyptian protests intensify, as clashes spread across the Middle East - Telegraph

The power of internet? - A world revolution? Clashes across Middle East. Major all Egypt protest.

People against poverty, unemployment, high prices.

Tunisians already overthrew their government.
Rulers shutting down Facebook, Twitter. ...

911Truth controlled demolition inside operation.

Egyptian protests intensify, as clashes spread across the Middle East - Telegraph

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Miracle, the Mystery of Life. Unlocking the secrets of living organisms, of the human beings. Scientists favorite worm is preferred research tool.

How does life function, living organisms exist, behave and how are they controlled. How are they changing?

Unlocking the mystery of life, of ourselves, of the unlimited power of human being, of human brain, of human soul dwelling in human beings.
For good and bad.

Nematode C. elegans
C. elegans, a tiny free-living worm, was the very first animal species to be completely genetically sequenced and operates with many of the same genes that are found in human beings.
It is used by scientists as a model system to gain a fundamental understanding of the basic principles of life.
C. elegans is so simple it doesn't have a brain, only a minimal nervous system of 302 nerve cells (as opposed to the 100 billion or so in the human brain).
This 1mm long worm exhibits a wide range of behaviour, including foraging, learning, memory and even social behaviour.
Scientists are fascinated with this tiny worm, anticipating that this will be the first animal species to be completely understood.
...... how such a minimal nervous system can exhibit different behaviors and instantly switch between them ? ...

Several fundamental aspects of human biology, including the ability of cells to self-destruct to prevent cancer, and RNA interference, an important process for regulating how genes are used to make proteins, were first identified in C. elegans and later affirmed to be present in humans

Circadian rhytms
Circadian rhythms are important in all organisms because they regulate biological functions such as food intake, temperature, metabolic rate and sleep

Almost every organism on earth exhibits circadian rhythms -- periodic cycles of behavior or gene expression that repeat roughly every 24 hours.

These rhythms are generated by a circadian clock -- an internal time-keeping mechanism -- which can be entrained and synchronized by environmental signals such as temperature or light/dark cycles